What we offer

We offer several options for bringing ethics education to your school, including facilitated workshops, single class subscriptions and teacher training, plus school-wide partnership programs.  

  • Facilitated workshops: A two-hour workshop on one of 20 select topics, run by our expert facilitators (select NSW areas only). Costs start at $760.  
  • Individual teacher memberships: Training in facilitating ethical discussions and a full year of scripted lessons and lesson materials for a single class. Costs start at $710 per class, including training, with subsequent years at $270.  
  • Partnership program: Training and lesson materials for all classes K-8 at your school, along with ongoing support from our dedicated team. Please enquire for a quote based on your school size and needs.  
Student workshops and courses
Have one of our expert facilitators deliver a 2-hour workshop on one of 20 select topics. Workshops are suited for groups of up to 30 students, with additional options available for larger groups.
Teacher subscriptions
We provide access to a full year of scripted lessons and all associated lesson materials, as well as training in discussion facilitation and additional support.
School-wide partnership program
This option offers teacher training, ongoing support and access to our entire K-8 curriculum for your school, helping students and teachers form a rich school-wide community of inquiry.

Student-focused, discussion-based lessons

We offer over 300 lessons tailored to students from Kindergarten to Year 8. These cover a wide range of age-appropriate ethical issues, including lying, sharing, stealing, friendships, animal welfare, citizenship and many others. We have a range of flexible options to cater to the needs of your students and teachers.  

Topics can be run on-site by our expert facilitators to classes of up to 30 students. For schools interested in having their own teachers deliver our lessons, we provide comprehensive teacher training and access to our detailed lesson materials.

Take a look at our curriculum, including our teaching method.

What Our Students Say About Ethics Classes

Over 100 topics to select from

We have over 100 topics to select from. Some of our most popular topics include:

  • Is lying always wrong? (Years 3 & 4)
  • It’s all about me: Is being selfish bad? (Years 3 & 4)
  • How should we treat living things? (Years 3 & 4)
  • Getting even: Revenge, reciprocity and returning favours (Years 3 & 4)
  • Navigating authority: When to trust and when to question (Years 5 & 6)
  • Voting responsibly (Years 5 & 6)
  • Beliefs, opinions, tolerance and respect (Years 5 &6)
  • Fair play in sports: From carbohydrates to performance-enhancing drugs (Years 5 & 6)
  • You’re not the boss of me! Rules, freedoms and age limits (Years 7 and up)
  • Lizard people and fake news: Navigating truth in a digital age (Years 7 and up)
  • Welcome to our robot overlords: The ethics of AI (Years 7 and up)
  • From possession to preservation: Responsible environmental ethics (Years 7 and up)

Whether it’s civics and citizenship, environmental ethics or more, discover content that seamlessly aligns with your study plans.