Why Us ?

We are experts in developing and delivering ethics education for children and in professional development training to support our extensive program.

Our parent organisation Primary Ethics  has been giving schoolchildren the space to explore ethical dilemmas and learn the skills of ethical reasoning since 2011.

Since then:

  • our program has been implemented with huge success in hundreds of schools
  • we have developed and continually improve an expert curriculum approved as age-appropriate by the NSW Department of Education
  • we have trained thousands of lesson-facilitators, and
  • we have overseen the delivery of tens of thousands of ethics lessons.

Our Mission

We want children to make good decisions.

Our mission is to create better decision-makers by supporting children to build their skills in critical thinking, ethical reasoning and respectful discussion.

We provide engaging lesson materials, expert teacher training and dynamic student workshops, all designed to foster a generation of thoughtful decision-makers.

What ethics students think

Ethics teachers share their thoughts about our program

Experience & Expertise

Primary Ethics has developed the expert training, materials and skills to deliver ethics education to tens of thousands of children in diverse schools across the past 13 years.

Lesson scripts written
Facilitators trained
Ethics students